Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stretching Myself

Knowledge project #3 says to memorize some hymns and learn to conduct them.  This is an excellent idea for a person who is not practiced at this sort of thing, but before I became the miamaid advisor, I was the ward music chairman, the sacrament meeting hymn conductor, and the Relief Society music person... all at the same time, all for a couple of years.  I would think that this one wouldn't really count for me.

But then our ward choir pianist needed some time off.  The only person qualified and able to play for us was the ward choir director.  That left me to lead the choir.  How was I the obvious choice?  I do not lead choirs!  I have never led more than a quick sacrament number by some youth or the primary singing, "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home."

The church has a website with some suggestions for choral conducting, so I've tried to apply the stuff I read there.  I've led several practices now, and we had our first performance a week and a half ago.  I thought it went well, and Nick (my hubbie) said I looked like a pro.  I definitely look down at the music way too much and have to think too hard to be very good, but I suppose that I could get better with practice.  Lots and lots of practice.

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