Why is it so difficult to think of a time when I have been so blatantly full of integrity recently? To be fair, no time comes to mind that I have acted outside the bounds of integrity. I think that it has become a way of life for me. I can honestly say that I do not care what the popular view is when I am choosing how to act. That has absolutely no bearing, other than to cause me to grieve for the world when I see it trending away from virtue.
I do recall strongly twice in my college days when my integrity was questioned. Once was by my French teacher who thought I had slipped the homework into the stack late. The second was by a religion professor who was not convinced that the hymn I turned in as an original composition was my own work. I cannot put to words the turmoil I felt at their calm accusals. Even though I knew that I had acted appropriately, I would not rest until I had not only regained the grade that I deserved, but the trust of the accusers. To have my integrity questioned was the deepest blow I feel that I could have received. I honor and uphold my integrity. It is a part of my being and I'm sure it has come at a cost.
Job put it best: "Til I die I will not remove my integrity from me."